On Tue, Dec 16, 2008 at 03:03:08PM -0500, Reuben K. Caron wrote:
>The build was successfully made on both F10 and Intrepid.
>How could I slip in a language pack?
>How could I set the Timezone for the build?
>How could I set the default language for sugar?

Well, first, figure out how would you normally do these things. Then add
the necessary files to the compilation directory and modify the
'install_hacks.py' file (or add a custom stage) to apply the changes.

Would it help for me to work out an example for you in a subsequent
reply? (Would you like to work out one as an example and post it for
others to enjoy?)



P.S. - You should try out the latest version of the ui and 767
compilation -- I worked up a nice automatic caching feature and I
improved the interactive debugging mode too! (Be slightly wary though;
the code is far from well-tested.)

P.P.S. - You can use 'git pull' to pull down the latest versions of the
ui and compilation. If you decide you don't like them, you can go back
to the earlier versions with a combination of 'git log' to find out the
commit-hash identifying the version you want and 'git reset --hard
<hash>' to move to it. Again, let me know if a more verbose tutorial
would be helpful.
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