Visited a friend, and helped him install a new build in his XO.  The 
first time the new build completed booting, he was presented with an 
action bar (to request "software update") near the top of Home View.

It so happened that the XO had not automatically connected to my 
friend's wireless AP - but he did not realize this.  Being 
well-meaning, he clicked the rightmost button ('Check now') in the 
action bar -- there was some software processing and then a "Could 
not access the network" message -- he needed to exit through Control 
Panel to get back to Home View (and never saw the action bar again).

The "software update" facility assumes that a connection to the 
network is already available when it gets to run.  If conditions are 
such that the network connection has *not* been set up when booting 
completes, should the action bar to request "software update" still 
be automatically presented as the first thing the user sees ?


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