Hi Chris,

No probs on the reply.

> Hi Peter, thanks for the reply,
>   > Is this on 8.2.0 or joyride? It looks like 8.2 due to the
>   > gnome-python version being olpc3.
> It's running a joyride F10 build, but looks like you're right about
> olpc3.  Here's the /etc/yum.repos.d/olpc-development.repo shipped in
> Joyride:
> [olpc_development]
> name=OLPC development repository, based on koji tag dist-olpc3-devel.
> baseurl=http://xs-dev.laptop.org/~cscott/repos/dist-olpc3-devel/
> enabled=1
> gpgcheck=0
> exclude=kernel
> [olpc-joyride]
> name=OLPC 'Joyride' repository
> baseurl=http://xs-dev.laptop.org/~cscott/repos/joyride/
> enabled=1
> gpgcheck=0
>   > I suspect some of the errors are due to the custom packages, or
>   > possibly due to a repo not being available. You can get some weird
>   > errors if there's two package provides split across repos
>   > (something like a base gnome-python provided by the olpc3 repo
>   > where as the gnome-python-blah which was stripped out of the olpc3
>   > build is then provided by the Fedora 9 repo. Overall it looks like
>   > an issue with cyrus-sasl. What does a "yum list cyrus-sasl*" show?
> Excluding Packages from Fedora 10 - i386
> Finished
> Excluding Packages from OLPC development repository, based on koji tag 
> dist-olpc3-devel.
> Finished
> Excluding Packages from Fedora 10 - i386 - Updates
> Finished
> Installed Packages
> cyrus-sasl-lib.i386              2.1.22-19.fc10         installed
> Available Packages
> cyrus-sasl.i386                  2.1.22-15.fc9          olpc_development
> cyrus-sasl-debuginfo.i386        2.1.22-15.fc9          olpc_development
> cyrus-sasl-devel.i386            2.1.22-15.fc9          olpc_development
> cyrus-sasl-gssapi.i386           2.1.22-15.fc9          olpc_development
> cyrus-sasl-krb4.i386             2.1.22-15.fc9          olpc_development
> cyrus-sasl-ldap.i386             2.1.22-15.fc9          olpc_development
> cyrus-sasl-md5.i386              2.1.22-15.fc9          olpc_development
> cyrus-sasl-ntlm.i386             2.1.22-15.fc9          olpc_development
> cyrus-sasl-plain.i386            2.1.22-15.fc9          olpc_development
> cyrus-sasl-sql.i386              2.1.22-15.fc9          olpc_development

I would remove the old fc9 build from the olpc_development repo (or
even have one for 8.2.0 and one for 9.1.0 so they don't get mixed up).
Surely it should be pulling cyrus-sasl from the Fedora repos anyway?

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