I'm trying to figure out the actual languages in use in deployments by 
looking at http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Deployments , but several countries 
have a blank for Language.
What are the actual primary languages in use on

* Haiti's 13,000 laptops (Kreyol ?)
* Afghanistan's 11,000 laptops (Pashto ? Hazaragi? both?)
* Oceania's 5,000 laptops (??)
* Cambodia's 3,200 laptops (Khmer ?)

The deployment form needs more languages.  It gets its list of possible 
values from http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Property:Language_spoken which 
   English    Spanish    Hindi    Arabic    Thai    Brazilian Portuguese 
   Amharic    Mongolian    Tamil    Bengali    Nepali

Besides the languages for the four deployments above, are there other 
languages the deployment form needs?  (Please not all 5,000 dialects on 
earth, just languages intended for actual near-term deployments?)

http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Languages has more lists of languages: by 
tiers, "green" country languages, Pootle languages, etc.

Thanks for any enlightenment!
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