On Fri, Jan 9, 2009 at 12:04 PM,  <p...@laptop.org> wrote:
> like many others, today is my last day at OLPC.  my short tenure
> here has been loads of fun, and it's been an honor to be close to
> the center of such a great project.
> i'll be around -- please stay in touch.  to the extent i can, i'll
> be following the lists, and dropping in on irc once in a while.
> richard and i have agreed that since i've already "tainted" myself
> by working with the sooper seekrit EC firmware, and i'm still effectively
> under NDA, that there's no reason i shouldn't continue to be a resource
> for questions and help in that area, if anything should come up
> where richard's not around, or whatever.  hope i can help out
> somehow.

But it's the stuff you can't tell us that we want to know. ^_^ And
Richard Stallman, too.

> my "home" address is p...@laptop.org,

I believe you meant to say something different here.

> but pgf (or paul) @laptop will
> continue to work for some time, i believe.
> paul
> =---------------------
>  paul fox, p...@laptop.org
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And Children are my nation.
The Cosmos is my dwelling place, The Truth my destination.
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