2009/1/28 Peter Robinson <pbrobin...@gmail.com>:
> With the plans of releasing what is/was going to be 9.1.0 as based on
> Fedora 11 (rather than the original plans of Fedora 10) what is the
> plans on moving the joyride daily builds to pull in rawhide rather
> than Fedora 10? Is the plan for the 9.1.0 release (is it still going
> to be called that?) to be built from the existing OLPC build system
> (pilgrim?) or is there plans to move it to the Fedora system? If there
> are plans to move to the Fedora build system will it be able to sign
> the releases etc, or is this planned for sometime later? The reason I
> ask these questions is because its probably better to make the move
> sooner rather than later so people don't waste time testing and fixing
> things on Fedora 10 where it would be better to use the time with
> Fedora 11 so larger changes like python 2.6 etc can be tested.

I believe that we want to build things using Fedora's tools -- we
actually would like Fedora to build the releases in future. So, this
means that pilgrim goes away, or that pilgrim gets adopted by Fedora
(the former, I guess!).

Some work may be needed on Fedora's build tools, but I was extremely
pleased to hear that Sugar-on-a-stick is being built with standard
Fedora tools, and we now have a (nearly?-)functional Soas XO image.

Details like security, signing and updates remain to be figured out, I
believe. For now, having a partially bootable image based on rawhide
will be a great start.

It would be best to use your time with OLPC-F11 preparation - I don't
see the current joyride going anywhere.

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