On Thu, Jan 29, 2009 at 11:53 AM, Bobby Powers <bobbypow...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I believe there are technical or supply chain reasons that make it
> more difficult than just swapping out the NAND chips.  Not to be rude,
> but you're not the first one who has thought of this :)

Lot of people assume mfg is easy. It is incredibly hard, and everybody
sweats blood over it. Every little change is a nightmare domino of
other "little" changes. Apparently trivial changes have ginormous

Just like when a non-programmer goes "What could be hard about adding
feature X? Add the button, a little bit of code behind it, done!". I
find that annoying, so I avoid doing the same to hw people.

Apple manages to make mfg easy and cool, but behind the scenes, man do
they toil...


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