On Fri, Feb 6, 2009 at 1:11 AM, Daniel Drake <d...@laptop.org> wrote:
> Can I persuade you to add a new range for the IBSS-STA XOs that are
> requesting leases over IPv4? 126 addresses is not many when XOs will
> be assigning them randomly, we will have kids arriving at school at
> the same time, and many laptops expiring on the same day.

Sure can do, and there is a related change other people have asked for
(free addresses for the APs themselves, so that the telnet or webbased
config UIs can be used).

BTW, I am not against having a usable IPv6 setup _as well as_ IPv4. It
is just not high priority for me; none of the deployments we're eyeing
stretches the IPv4 limits, and I cannot drop IPv4 infra either. Not to
mention the rough edges in IPv6 support.

If anyone is keen on seeing IPv6 on the XS... it would be fantastic to
get you involved. Each step is very small, bringing it to fruition has
a lot of steps involved... and it is waiting for you :-)


 mar...@laptop.org -- School Server Architect
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