2009/2/23 Samuel Klein <s...@laptop.org>:
> I believe joyride is working as designed at the
> moment and should be updated once 8.2.1 is quite out the door.

That's not correct, at least nobody to my knowledge is working on
joyride. It would be possible for someone to pick it up, but I doubt
that will happen. S Page's wiki summary is accurate.

At the developer meetings that have been held on this topic, it was
agreed that joyride plus the processes that it represent would be
scrapped, and OLPC plus interested community members would work
towards getting everything upstream and then running pure Fedora (as
in the OS, not as in their default installer shipment of GNOME)  +
Sugar on the XOs. This is already happening with impressive progress,
although there is plenty of work to be done. By contrast, joyride has
not seen any real activity for about 2 months.

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