On Tue, 2009-03-17 at 09:40 -0400, Daniel Drake wrote:
> Hi,
> We'd like to add a custom DNS entry on the XS to override
> updates.laptop.org to point it at another address (where we'll serve
> antitheft/lease data for paraguay).
> I have got it working as follows:
> I modified /etc/named-xs.conf and I added this section inside the
> "internal" view:
> zone "updates.laptop.org" {
>   type master;
>   file "ulo.db";
> };
> /var/named-xs/ulo.db contains
> @ IN SOA admin.paraguayeduca.org. (
>                         200903171     ; serial, todays date + todays serial #
>                         8H              ; refresh, seconds
>                         2H              ; retry, seconds
>                         4W              ; expire, seconds
>                         1D )            ; minimum, seconds
>   IN NS
>   IN A
> where is the IP that it will redirect too.
> This is working, but it's ugly. Changes will be lost next time the XS
> configs are updated/regenerated. Can anyone suggest a better way to do
> this?

Guess you missed the part in the README about using an ".in" template to
make your local changes stick between updates. On a different note, you
could also use iptables to redirect traffic headed towards
"updates.laptop.org", kind of like the rule used for squid, just a bit


> Thanks,
> Daniel
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