> I copied both files to a usb drive then booted with holding the esc key.
> Then 'copy-nand u:\os3.img' then it copied and I got back the firmware
> prompt. It did not bark about wrong crc or something like that. Then I
> switched the XO-1 off then switched on and all I can get is a Boot
> failed error message. Reimaging with 802 works so it is not a hardware
> fault. How could others run this stuff?

The problem is simple - the copy-nand erased *all* of nand - 
including the /security/develop.sig file you had stored there.
Then the firmware determined that you were trying to boot an 
unsecured build onto (what it now thought was) a secure XO - and 
gave you the error.

One thing you might do is to place a /security directory on an usb 
drive (even the one with the image), then copy your develop.sig to 
that directory, and have that drive present when you try the boot.

Once you are able to get to the firmware 'ok' prompt again, you 
might enter 'disable-security' (without quotes).  That will, 
independently of the nand contents, mark your XO as not needing 
security verification by the firmware.

The way to minimize the chance of what you experienced is, when the 
'copy-nand' finishes, to __not__ switch the XO off, but to rather 
just enter 'boot' at the firmware prompt.  That ought to allow the 
new build to come up (giving  you a chance to again copy your 
developer key into the XO nand).


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