On Mon, Feb 15, 2010 at 18:56, Vijit Singh <vi...@seeta.in> wrote:
> Hello Tomeu and Aleskey,
> Thank you for your replies. I will test your suggestions in a day or two and
> will let you know about the results since I have been out of town and hence
> unable to access net since the last 2 days.
> On Sun, Feb 14, 2010 at 1:14 AM, Tomeu Vizoso <to...@tomeuvizoso.net> wrote:
>> On Fri, Feb 12, 2010 at 23:36, vijit singh <vijitthetopco...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>> > Hello everyone,
>> > SocialCalc is based upon the use of hulahop.webview widget. While trying
>> > to
>> > run socialcalc on sugar emulator running on Fedora and Ubuntu, error
>> > saying
>> > "No module hulahop" was occurring. So, we tried installing hulahop on
>> > these
>> > linux distributions.
>> > 1. Firstly we tried with ubuntu-8.10, here are the exact steps taken-
>> >
>> >  xulrunner was pre-installed. And then I installed python-support.deb
>> > and
>> > libxul0d.deb which are pre-requistie packages for python-xpcom package
>> > (other pre-requistie packages were already installed). Then i installed
>> > python-xpcom. And then I installed python-hulahop and hulahop.
>> >
>> > Downlaod links for these packages are as follows:-
>> >
>> > http://packages.ubuntu.com/en/intrepid/python/python-xpcom
>> > http://packages.ubuntu.com/en/intrepid/hulahop
>> > http://packages.ubuntu.com/en/intrepid/python-hulahop
>> > Now, though hulahop was getting imported but while using
>> > hulahop.webview, an
>> > error saying "hulahop has no attribute webview" occured. However, when
>> > we
>> > checked the hulahop folder, there was a file named webview.py, so this
>> > problem might be because of some kind of wrongly set library paths.
>> > 2. Then we tried it with ubuntu-9.10, with similar steps but got the
>> > same
>> > result.
>> > 3. Then we tried it with fedora-11-
>> > Installed hulahop and then xpcom from the following
>> >
>> > link- http://www.rpmfind.net/linux/RPM/mandriva/2009.1/i586/media/main/release/python-xpcom-
>> This is a Mandriva package. I recommend using the tools available in
>> each distro for installing software. In Fedora it would be: "yum
>> install hulahop"
> We tried yum install hulahop but it said no package named hulahop, our first
> approach on fedora was to use yum and on ubuntu was to use apt get, but both
> gave the same results.

In Fedora 11, this is the ouput of yum search hulahop:

[to...@zviratko ~]$ yum search hulahop
Loaded plugins: fastestmirror, presto, refresh-packagekit
=============================== Matched: hulahop ===============================
hulahop.i586 : A pygtk widget for embedding mozilla

Are you sure you wrote the name of the package correctly?



> Regards,
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