On Mon, Mar 22, 2010 at 04:09:44PM -0700, Yioryos Asprobounitis wrote:
> Didn't work. Apparently the switch in this case is implemented later (xrandr?)

Thanks.  I'm amazed that GNOME is able to change the resolution on the
server without resolution change being available.  Did you restart the X

> Not how you get to console (...) How do you switch to sugar from
> console? (I'm stack in Gnome). What is the command?

/home/olpc/Desktop/olpc-switch-to-sugar.desktop runs
/usr/bin/olpc-switch-to-sugar which is a Python script that creates a
.olpc-active-desktop with the word sugar in it.

So try:

su - olpc
echo sugar > .olpc-active-desktop

Then Ctrl/Alt/F3
Then Ctrl/Alt/Erase

James Cameron
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