This is a custom OS image for the XO-1 released by the Paraguay Educa
technology team:

This release candidate was seeded for field testing in Caacupé
yesterday. If everything goes well, within a few days we'll start
NANDblasting it on all laptops.

Besides the limited language support (we only ship English and Spanish
strings), there's nothing in this build that would prevent its use
outside of Paraguay.

== Changes relative to the previous release (os115 Paraguay) ==

 * Append "py" to the image name to avoid confusion with other
   OS flavors developed in parallel (me)

 * Add activities requested by the education team:
   Typing Turtle, Ruler, Analyze, Poll Builder, Jigsaw Puzzle,
   Slider Puzzle, Tux Paint, Social Calc, Clock, Colors,
   Labyrinth, Physics. (jorge)

 * Merge most changes from F11-XO1 changes (smparrish)

 * Remove olpc-update and disable the /versions kludge (me, smparrish)

 * GSM broadband support: most modems are supported, as long as
   they don't require USB mode switching. (tch)

 * Basic GUI to backup/restore the Journal to the schoolserver.
   We're working with Plan Ceibal to merge this functionality
   with their GUI to perform backups to removable media (tch & jorge)

 * Sugar updated to 0.84.15 (sugarlabs & olpc)

 * Pull latest OS updates from upstream (fedora)

== Bugs fixed ==

 * Record does not record sound (alsroot)

 * NetworkManager crashes on suspend/resume (dcbw, tch)

 * "Register" menu item doesn't disappear after successful
   registration (km0r3, me)

 * Can't restore a journal that was backed up to the XS with
   Sugar 0.82 (bernie, jorge)

== Known bugs ==

Remaining bugs are summarized here:

There are no longer any known regressions relative to the previous
stable build from OLPC (OS801 Paraguay).

Social Calc has known quirks on with the new OS, one of which appears to
be a simple timing issue.

== How to help testing ==

Feedback from the entire community is very appreciated, although there's
not much time left. Bugs belonging to upstream components should be
filed in the usual trackers:

 * Sugar and activities:
 * Fedora 11:
 * Drivers and OLPC customizations:
 * Paraguay-specific bugs:

If you're unsure where a bug belongs to, use the Paragauy Educa tracker.
Please, always assign these bugs to "Carlos", who will keep our status
summary updated.

We're unlikely to dedicate much attention to bugs affecting Gnome and
obscure activities with no active maintainer, but it's still good to be
informed on what is broken. For everything else, we'll do our best, with
the help of OLPC, Fedora, and Sugar Labs.

== How to join development ==

Build system source:

Yum Repository containing our custom RPMs (along with sources):

  #olpc-paraguay (English also welcome)

   // Bernie Innocenti -
 \X/  Sugar Labs       -

Devel mailing list

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