martin wrote:
 > Running powertop on your machine is hugely informational once you've
 > read the powertop website docs.

re: powertop -- with silbe's help our battery driver now provides
enough of the expected properties under /sys to let powertop make
crude power measurements [1].  you have to build from their svn,
though, because of a bug that's not normally exposed on machines
using the ACPI driver.  (to clarify -- i have the fix -- it's not
in their svn repo yet -- i need to send it in.)

but as richard implied, a tool like powertop won't help you tune
your laptop much, since it only measures what happens when it's
running.  we save so much power with aggressive S3 that the changes
from P-states, and to some extent C-states, are in the noise.

[1] richard's logs and tools are far more informative, but it's
fun watching the powertop numbers change.
 paul fox,
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