This is a late announcement of the final release of the XO-1
images based on Fedora 11 and Sugar 0.84:

This build is being deployed to 10 schools in Caacupé [1]. Feedback from
teachers and teacher trainers has been very positive so far.

== Changes relative to the previous release (os140py) ==

 * GSM broadband support: add usb_modeswitch and usb_modeswitch-data,
   enabling more modem models to work with Fedora 11. (me)

 * Credit Sugar Labs in boot animation (me)

 * Add custom Browse home page with links to Paraguay Educa resources (rgs)

 * Update Turtle Art to pick Spanish translation (walter)

 * Re-enable olpc-update and the versioned fs (me)

 * Point software update control panel at

 * Pull latest OS updates from upstream (fedora)

== Bugs fixed ==

 * Race condition with name widget in the activity toolbar

 * Some activities crashing when resuming from the Journal

== Known bugs ==

 * Unable to read FAT filesystems containing invalid file dates

== How to help testing ==

Feedback from the entire community is very appreciated, although we're
not planning any further releases of the Sugar 0.84 series.

Bugs affecting upstream components are better filed in their respective

 * Sugar and activities:
 * Fedora 11:
 * Drivers and OLPC customizations:
 * Paraguay-specific bugs:

If you're unsure where a bug belongs to, use the Paragauy Educa tracker.
Please, always assign these bugs to "Carlos", who will keep our status
summary updated.

== Using this build outside Paraguay ==

A few customizations make this image somewhat Paraguay-specific:

 * Limited language support: to save space, we've included only
   English and Spanish translations.

 * Image signed with the Paraguay deployment keys. Laptops from other
   regions need to be be unlocked in order to accept this image.

 * The software update control panel icon checks for new activities
   on our wiki rather than on

 * The Browse home page contains the Paraguay Educa logo and a few
   links to our website.

We may find the time to release slightly modified images to meet the
needs of other OLPC deployments interested in upgrading to Sugar 0.84.

More importantly, we're happy to help other deployments produce their
own OS images independently of us, thus exploiting Free Software's most
important advantage [2].

== How to join development ==

This development cycle is closed as a new development cycle based on
Sugar 0.88 has started already. Public builds will be available soon.

Build system source:

Yum Repository containing our custom RPMs (along with sources):

  #olpc-paraguay (English spoken)

[1] The actual production build is os179py. The only difference between
    os179py and os180py is improved compatibility with GSM modems.

[2] Freedom 1: The freedom to study how the program works, and change
    it to make it do what you wish.

   // Bernie Innocenti -
 \X/  Sugar Labs       -

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