On Sun, Aug 8, 2010 at 5:09 PM, Christoph Derndorfer
<christoph.derndor...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I know I'm repeating myself here but I find the attitude expressed in these
> instructions and particularly point 3 troublesome and a continued source of
> frustration for me as well as other people I've talked to. Even more so I
> think it's a very clear symptom of the much-discussed disconnect between
> developers and end-users in the OLPC and Sugar Labs context.

Not really. There is a lot of "glue people" that can help bridge the
gap between teachers / nontechie deployers and developers.

I am one of them. I am sure you are one too. Deployments need to have
a (small) technical team that also fits this role.

Such bridge people are needed to boil down end users' reports into
something that looks like a usable bugreport.

Being a bridge person, a translator between the two worlds is
sometimes frustrating ("can't these people talk to eachother
directly?") but the barriers are real. Rejoice in being able to do it
(at least I do).

And sure -- we need to get more hands (ears/eyes) into this role. It
is essential social glue.


 mar...@laptop.org -- School Server Architect
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