On Tue, Feb 22, 2011 at 1:39 AM, Dan Zubey <dzu...@openincident.com> wrote:
> Well, I had been wondering where was the *appropriate* place to post it.

Once it's cooked, I guess it'll be included in the XS config rpm :-)
In fact, being in the xs config rpm solves several problems --
installation of files, etc.

At first reading, I'm realizing that there's many things I don't know
about wwwoffle!

 - Current rpms are available, but not in Fedora.
http://www.google.com/search?q=wwwoffle+rpm+2.9 so we'd need to review
the spec and see if Fedora is interested in carrying it...

 - So xs-config will likely contain /etc/xs-wwwoffle files and an
/etc/init.d/xs-wwwoffle init script that points to that directory (and
/var/cache/xs-wwwoffle, etc). All of this can be modelled on what's in
the rpm.

 - wwwoffle does act as a normal proxy too when online... but can't
handle the switching between modes, is that right? So it seems we'll
need a "controller" daemon that monitors whether we have uplink or
not, and switches wwwoffle between modes.

This script is probably the interesting part. Maybe there's something
interesting in the rpm init script that we can copy or reuse. It'll
probably need to handle

 - online / offline cases in a "pure wwwoffle" case

 - "wwwoffle + conventional online proxy" case, where when online we
just call wwwoffle --fetch. Note that the conventional proxy may not
be squid ;-)


 mar...@laptop.org -- Software Architect - OLPC
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