Hi Martin,

To break this list down a bit...

On Tue, Apr 12, 2011 at 8:58 PM, Martin Langhoff
<martin.langh...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I just ran a rough comparison of the packages we currently include in
> our F14 builds vs what's available in the F13-beta2 ARM repository.
> Some packages are OLPC-specific, and I note them below. Others may
> have changed name between F13 and F14.

OLPC. Some of these are in Fedora so I'm not sure they're all "olpc"
but rather just not in F13.

>     'PolicyKit-olpc', // olpc
>     'batti', // olpc-specific
>     'bootfw-q3a62', // olpc-specific
>     'ds-backup-client', // olpc-specific
>     'kernel', // heh :-)
>     'olpc-bootanim', // olpc

x86 only
>     'dmidecode',
>     'xorg-x11-drv-chrome' // ignore

New in F-14
>     'dconf',
>     'folks',
>     'gdk-pixbuf2', (this was split out of gtk2)
>     'laughlin-backgrounds-gnome', // release specific? <--- Yes!
>     'laughlin-backgrounds-single',
>     'libjpeg-turbo',

Most of these should be easy fixes, or even fixed already. Not sure
about java though!
>     'abiword', 'libabiword'
>     'atkmm',
>     'avahi-libs',
>     'csound', 'csound-python',
>     'empathy',
>     'espeak',
>     'inkscape',
>     'java',
>     'kbd-misc',
>     'libassuan',
>     'libffado',
>     'libmodman',
>     'libmount',
>     'olpc-kbdshim',
>     'olpc-powerd',
>     'olpc-powerd-dbus',
>     'olpc-runin-tests',
>     'portmidi',
>     'prelink',
>     'systemd-units', // blame Lennart
>     'telepathy-logger',
>     'upstart-sysvinit',

Extra deps.
>     'perl-threads', // WTH? Perl in our builds?
>     'perl-threads-shared',
>     'gnome-dvb-daemon',

> We should sort this into noise -- stuff that changed between F13 and
> F14, x86-specific packages, etc -- and worthy targets...
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