I've been downloading to get materials locally (size estimates, etc.).
 One thought that occurs to me is to leverage the "Region" field they
display on the website to create a handful of bundles (say 5-7
variants).  See attached spreadsheet.  This overcomes individual
language tracking and puts a grouping of indigenous languages together
by region (e.g. numerous African and South American indigenous
languages shared across national boundaries).  A small handful of
bundles would be easier to manage manually in the build process.  All
bundles could be sent to school server where available.  The only
overhead it should add would be the concept of creating  an index page
with links to each individual language, simple enough HTML to build as
long as local storage directory is predictable.


On Fri, Jul 1, 2011 at 12:00 AM, Gonzalo Odiard <gonz...@laptop.org> wrote:
> +100
> I like the idea of include the UDHR and the idea of a e-Rosetta.
> The size is not a problem, I have tried with spanish:
> The pdf size is 186K, the html is 38K, but we can clean it and have a html
> version of 14K (ziped is 5K)
> We can start with a content bundle (.xol)
> We can do a better job with the content bundles we include.
> Almost all are from Wikibooks Junior http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Wikijunior
> but we continue including the same books from may be 2007.
> Gonzalo
> On Thu, Jun 30, 2011 at 7:41 PM, Chris Leonard <cjlhomeaddr...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Dear OLPC developers,
>> I would like to propose including the United Nation's Universal
>> Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) in the content bundles provided in
>> the 11.2.0 libraries.
>> http://www.un.org/en/documents/udhr/index.shtml
>> It is translated into over 400 languages (found here)
>> http://www.ohchr.org/EN/UDHR/Pages/SearchByLang.aspx
>> Many deployments are apparently interested in English language
>> instruction and I believe that distributing English and local language
>> copies of the UDHR together not only provides an opportunity for a
>> "Rosetta Stone" type pairing of texts, but it might also serve as a
>> launching point for discussions in civics or social studies classes.
>> I have sent an e-mail to the Secretary of the Publication Board,
>> United Nations to specifically ask about any restrictions they might
>> impose on electronic redistribution of the UDHR text and translations
>> downloaded from their site.  However, given the following quote from
>> the UHDR website, the intended use seems entirely consistent with the
>> intent of the UN in publishing the UHDR.
>> "On December 10, 1948 the General Assembly of the United Nations
>> adopted and proclaimed the Universal Declaration of Human Rights the
>> full text of which appears in the following pages. Following this
>> historic act the Assembly called upon all Member countries to
>> publicize the text of the Declaration and "to cause it to be
>> disseminated, displayed, read and expounded principally in schools and
>> other educational institutions, without distinction based on the
>> political status of countries or territories."
>> Article 26 is of particular relevance to OLPC's efforts.
>> Assuming there is consensus on pedagogical value and a clear answer on
>> the copyright status of the UDHR, the remaining question is how to go
>> about packaging this content for OLPC distributions.  The material
>> downloads primarily as PDF files.  I haven't checked them all, but
>> some are text selectable "composited" PDFs, some may be scanned image
>> PDFs, and a few are possibly available as HTML.
>> I would like to do as little rework as possible on packaging these (in
>> part to get them ready in time for the 11.2.0 release), so I am
>> inclined to stick with the 8 page PDF as downloaded. One possibility
>> would be to include all of the languages, but this seems wasteful of
>> precious space.
>> I am not aware of any storage structure currently available for
>> content management by language in the way that Pootle handles strings
>> and the individual languages in the /po directory in git.  I'm unsure
>> of how this could be managed with the build process to pick up the
>> appropriate localized version of the UDHR.
>> Let's be clear that I am not really a developer, so I would be happy
>> to see someone take this idea and run with it. I am more than willing
>> to collaborate with anyone on bringing this to fruition, but I
>> probably can't pull it off all by myself without some assistance (at
>> least advice and feedback on appropriate technical issues).
>> cjl
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