On Fri, Jul 8, 2011 at 12:43 PM, DancesWithCars <danceswithc...@gmail.com>wrote:

> while the first part stated your case,
> the second felt a little below the belt...
> I don't know the workload of OLPC
> but assuming infinite resources
> is probably unwise.


I would never assume infinite resources, quite the contrary, I am arguing in
favor of OLPC leveraging upstream resources to the greatest extent possible.

Let me offer some praise to soften what you saw as a low blow.

OLPC's outreach to the Fedora upstream (as exemplified by the fine work done
by Peter Robinson) remains strong and precisely the sort of upstream
engagement that will bring Sugar / OLPC the resources it needs to leverage
the impact of their limited internal resources with a broader community
effort.  I am particularly grateful to Peter for the work he is doing on
SOAS5 and (from my personal perspective) anticipate that this will be a very
important tool for helping the localizers that I seek to recruit experience
Sugar (without XOs) and produce better localizations.

Daniel Drake is doing critical (and more importantly, timely) work on
exploring the path forward through the gtk2 > gtk3   PyGTK > PyGi changes
coming from the GNOME upstream. I won't even pretend to understand Daniel's
work on upstreaming kernel patches, but I do understand that it is of
immense importance.

Being something of a "virtual" distro producer is that challenge that OLPC
has taken on by focusing on the hardware, but the one "resource" that is
indispensable to OLPC is situational awareness of the complex and ever
shifting software environment in which it operates.  It is sadly a matter of
record that OLPC has been bitten by upstream / supplier tools that did not
necessarily work as advertised, I seem to recall wireless and touchpad
related issues.

It is my opinion that AbiWord is important, although I am aware that there
has stirrings concerning OOo4kids.  I posted the AbiWord announcement to the
devel list in the spirit of raising awareness of important changes on the
horizon in a package that OLPC should be monitoring (as well as celebrating
the culmination of work OLPC initiated some time ago).

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