
We're pleased to announce a further release candidate of our new
11.2.0 software release.

Information and installation instructions can be found here:

Quick links for those who know which files need to be grabbed and save
to USB disks:

This is a signed release candidate that can be installed on all XOs,
even those with security enabled.

We're looking for testing and feedback on all aspects of the system.
Thanks for any help you can offer, and for all the feedback that has
been received already.

The release is imminent! Any last minute feedback much appreciated,
even if you can just confirm that it seems to work as well as other
recent builds :)

Since build 873 we have fixed:

Since release candidate 3 (build 872) we have fixed an issue where the
Record stop button was pushed off the edge of the toolbar in Spanish,
the friends tray for collaborators now correctly shows the members of
the shared activity, and we fixed a system-level issue that was
causing loss of reliability in collaboration.

Closed tickets:
#10817  friendstray does represent buddies of a shared activity we
have not joined yet
#11060  hostname set too late; upsets avahi
#11076  Record toolbar does not fit in a XO screen for Spanish

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