Hi Sridhar!

I didn't know you were getting bare motherboards. Reuben should have
some scripts and recommendations as to how to handle the situation.

You'll want to have the right mfg data -- serial number, UUID, KL, KA,
KV, LO -- for things to work correctly. Otherwise quite a few things
will be not-quite-right in fun and surprising ways.



On Mon, Oct 17, 2011 at 1:47 AM, Sridhar Dhanapalan
<srid...@laptop.org.au> wrote:
> I'm wondering what is the recommended process for changing an XO
> motherboard. The hardware side is relatively straightforward. However,
> new motherboards come with blank serial numbers.
> What is the impact of leaving the SN# in the mfg-data blank? My
> understanding is that parts of the XO OS first-boot setup and
> interactions with an XS are derived from the serial number.
> We have devised a method (using an olpc.fth script) to write the
> serial number of the XO chassis to the mfg-data on the board. What is
> the method used in other deployments?
> Thanks,
> Sridhar
> Sridhar Dhanapalan
> Engineering Manager
> One Laptop per Child Australia
> M: +61 425 239 701
> E: srid...@laptop.org.au
> A: G.P.O. Box 731
>      Sydney, NSW 2001
> W: www.laptop.org.au
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