On Sat, Nov 26, 2011 at 3:55 PM, Sridhar Dhanapalan
<srid...@laptop.org.au> wrote:
> How useful could a Raspberry Pi be as a development platform for the XO-1.75?
> It looks like the Pi is ARM11 based (v6 arch) and the XO has a v7 arch.

The current 11.3.0 release is based on Fedora 14 armv5tel which runs
already on the Raspberry Pi and it'll happily run sugar. The 12.1.0
and later releases will run the Fedora 17 hardfp based release which
isn't binary compatible. Its as compatible as any other device that is
capable of running Fedora (arm or x86 based) so not completely useless
but at the same time not the best. The specs in terms of speed and
memory are actually not that different to the specs (processor
architecture aside) in the original XO-1 as the more expensive board
has the same amount of RAM.

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