Fri, Mar 23, 2012 at 1:20 PM, Daniel Drake <> wrote:

> On Fri, Mar 23, 2012 at 10:39 AM, Gonzalo Odiard <>
> wrote:
> > I compared os5 and os883 side by side and os883 is a lot faster to boot.
> > I understand is not all plymouth time, but would be good if we can avoid
> > increasing boot time.
> Make sure you are testing post-first-boot in both cases, with both
> laptops unsecured, and no external stuff connected. Since the os5
> thing was just a test spin it may also be worth evaluating when a real
> build is made.
> For me, my local test builds of 12.1.0 boot 10 seconds faster than
> 11.3.0 build 883 on XO-1.5, on 2nd boot on both laptops. Timed until
> the XO figure is rendered on the home screen with activity icons
> around it.

..and the Journal icon is displayed.

(Because the interface is not generally usable until the Journal icon is


> Daniel
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