On Sat, May 12, 2012 at 4:38 AM, Ajay Garg <a...@activitycentral.com> wrote:
> I tried the "rmmod/modprobe" hack in "olpc-configure", and it worked
> (obviously because, this time the "/etc.modprobe.d/libertas.conf" could be
> fetched/read from persistent storage). Mesh-icons were no more visible in
> the neighborhood-view (both during reboot, and resume-from-suspend).
> But I too felt that this is more of a hack, and not a clean solution.

Well, as you pointed out in later emails, the initramfs generation
will pick it up from there. I'd forgotten about that -- sorry.

So what you want to do is get libertas.conf into some package
(olpc-utils) or install it from an OOB module -- the xo1 module is a
good candidate.

In fact I'm liking the OOB module option. I think we would accept a
patch to OOB's xo1 module, where based on an option it creates this
file. Just have to make sure it's created before dracut is used to
generate the initramfs.

A bit late, but we may be able to land it for 12.1.0 (or later for 12.2.0).


 mar...@laptop.org -- Software Architect - OLPC
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