Ajay Garg <ajaygargn...@gmail.com> writes:

> I tried once again the "Case 2"; and upon resume-from-suspend, the
> icons appeared fine at my end.

OK, that's good and bad. Good in the sense that my patch may not be to
blame; bad in that you encountered a problem that couldn't be
reproduced. It may come back later and bite us twice as hard.

> If I face the unusual result for "Case 2" again, I will post the
> "/var/log/messages", which may be scrutinized.

Please also check for and save core dumps. Not sure they'll be generated
by default for system daemons (I'm thinking NetworkManager in
particular). If they aren't, we should investigate how to enable them
globally in our development builds.

Manuel Kaufmann pointed out (in another thread) that there's
olpc-log. We (= AC) should take a closer look at it [1] and see if we
can extend it to provide a complete snapshot for debugging. Having a
single command that always saves all of the information that may be
needed would reduce the chance of forgetting anything.


[1] https://dev.laptop.org/git/projects/olpc-netutils/tree/usr/bin/olpc-log

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