Some time ago, I make this spreadsheet  [1]With my XO 1.0 I test some 
activities and put the results there.Tom Gilliard make test in Soas, XO 1.0, XO 
1.5 and get the information of the Wiki.With all information I update the sugar 
version that each activity runs in ASLO web page.
Now, we have 71 more activities for Sugar 0.94 that was testing.If you have an 
activity, check the list (above).
There are a few activities that not runs on 0.94. The oldest activities (for 
0.82) havea minimal problems (and need update the style of the toolbars).
The tests on Sugar 0.96 started [2]Sugar 0.96 presents more problems: the old 
activities, in some cases uses 'class' and/or'service_name' in activity.info. 
but, fix that, are easy.Some of this activities, runs on 0.96, but without a 
test, I can't update the sugar versionparameter. If you test a activity, fill 
the information in [2]
ID     Name4029 IRC4031 Wireless Graph4039 View Slides4083 PlayGo4194 Get IA 
books4200 Analyze4204 Arithmetic4209 Hop a round4212 Domino4213 EcoMundo4214 
Elements4215 Falabracman4224 Kaleidoscope4225 EatBoom4232 BlockParty4236 
StackAttack4241 OO4kids4252 Guido Van Robot4254 Kandid4267 GeoQuiz4271 
TuxMath4284 Geogebra4285 Java4287 Plot4288 Quinteti4291 Sugar Commander4303 
MathGraph 324326 Backup4327 Restore4336 Numbers4338 Edukt4340 Read SD Comic4341 
Turtle Machine4345 Bubble Pop4347 WordSearch4354 Follow Me4356 GeoJAM4362 
Idle4365 CeibalRadio4366 Tessellations4371 Boxes4375 Radio4382 Rectangles4383 
Gogo4384 Pj4385 Pj Lite4397 Castle4398 Trails4402 FileMixAuto4403 Sudoku4407 
Juani Downloader4413 Jumble4414 AppelHanken4419 AguBrowser4420 Mancala4422 
Ominoes4423 Hmouse4426 Shapes4436 Gnumeric4439 OO4Kids-Es4441 Madagascar4451 
Pmj4457 Butialo4458 Totem4460 Sokoban4463 IQ4468 Soma4470 Pursuit4475 
DigArt4476 Python tute4477 Letters
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