
On Fri, Jun 01 2012, Esteban Arias wrote:
> Hi,
> I have created image for XO-1.0 with gnome and XO-1.5 (2GB) with gnome.
> but, XO-1.5 image has more size than XO-1.0 ¿?¿?¿?¿? Do you know why? 

Because the 1.3GB XO-1.5 image wouldn't fit on the 1.0GB XO-1 flash.

I think that, for example, the XO-1 images don't have the Wikipedia
slices included anymore; check for differences in /home/olpc/Activities.

- Chris.
Chris Ball   <c...@laptop.org>   <http://printf.net/>
One Laptop Per Child
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