That is an awesome bit of troubleshooting software for repair centers
to know about.  is this all written up on the wiki somewhere?


On Fri, Jun 29, 2012 at 5:58 AM, James Cameron <> wrote:
> G'day Roshan,
> I understand NANDblaster is not starting on a specific XO-1.
> This might happen if an antenna is damaged; even if you can use
> internet from Sugar.  Open Firmware configures the wireless card
> somewhat differently to Linux.
> We have a new antenna test function in development.  This firmware
> update contains it:
> You need an open wireless access point to run the test, but there does
> not need to be any IP network behind the access point.
> The test is used thus:
>   ok essid NETWORK
>   ok test-antenna
> Where NETWORK is the wireless access point name.
> During the test the following data are displayed:
> - beacon received signal strength indicator, in dB,
> - beacon signal to noise ratio, in dB,
> - receiver noise floor, in dBm,
> - average values of the above three data,
> - receive and transmit antenna allocation.
> For your problem, the "avg rssi" value is the most indicative.  You
> should find it will react by decreasing (larger negative numbers) as a
> result of stowing the antenna and placing a hand over the whole
> antenna area.  Usually one antenna will be in use, and you can
> find which one it is by changing which side of the laptop you cover.
> During the test there are keyboard keys with special meaning:
> - key 1 to select antenna 1,
> - key 2 to select antenna 2,
> - key s to perform network scan,
> - key a to deassociate and reassociate with access point.
> By default on power up reset, both antennas are selected, and this is
> called diversity mode, shown as "d".  (However, the "d" key does not
> effectively restore this mode after keys "1" or "2".  A wireless card
> reset is probably needed.)
> The test can be used to indicate the performance of antenna,
> transmission coax, termination, socket, antenna switch, and receiver.
> But there are sources of unreliability in the test:
> a.  the radio noise environment,
> b.  the precise position of the antenna or laptop, such as in a null,
> These sources of unreliability make comparisons difficult, but if you
> see substantially different values greater than 20 dB between the two
> antennas, I suggest one may be damaged.
> The test also does not test transmit by the laptop, only receive.
> Since NANDblaster should only receive, this is okay.
> If you identify an antenna as damaged, schedule the laptop for a
> detailed repair.  Look carefully at the coax cable leading from the
> laptop to the axle of the antenna.
> If both antennas are performing fine in this test, then it is time for
> me to dig deeper.  I'll next be available to do that on Tuesday your
> time.
> On Fri, Jun 29, 2012 at 02:19:34PM +0545, Roshan Karki wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Similar to this problem, 
>> 025769.html nandblasting is not working in one xo while it works flawlessly 
>> in
>> 10 others.
>> Nandbalsting simply doesn't start in that problematic xo. OFW test-all 
>> reports
>> no error and I also can connect and use Internet from sugar. Though all of 
>> the
>> xo in sets have same firmware I even tried updating the firmware to latest
>> version to see if it would help.
>> "open-wlan 6 multinand-traffic? . close-wlan" doesn't return ffffffff. I 
>> tried
>> changing server, starting them in different channel. What could be the 
>> problem
>> here?
>> Thanks.
> --
> James Cameron
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