On 11/21/2012 02:40 AM, James Cameron wrote:

Perhaps this service provider can provide technical support?

If it's as simple as adding a single entry to powerd's usb-inhibits
file like how 'hid' is treated then why has this not been done?

My guess is priorities are elsewhere in the stack at the moment, and
we have very few deployments demanding this be fixed.

I don't think having an end-user with no experience with USB IDs add
an entry to the usb-inhibits file, or having to remember to turn off
a major feature is the correct long term solution IMHO.

Certainly not.  I didn't think you or Ajay were end-users though.  My
advice to end-users would be to wait for the problem to be fixed, or
ask their deployment technical people to turn off the major feature
permanently, or build a fix.

In the previous thread this was discussed in (See "Patch: Mobile dongles") the proposal was that inhibit would be triggered by the presence of module 'usb_wwan'. Jerry submitted patches that did that. Paul was wondering if there was a better way than looking for a module loaded.

Powerd already has a mechanism where it disables suspend while an association is in process and Paul was wondering if you could leverage the existing infrastructure for this.

The thread dies after that. So I think anyone wanting this to get integrated as a stock feature should investigate if you can use a NM hook to send the DBUS message to powerd to inhibit.

Richard A. Smith  <rich...@laptop.org>
One Laptop per Child
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