USB flash drive

> On Fri, Nov 23, 2012 at 06:08:26PM +1100, wrote:
> > I repeated these tests
> Thanks!
> > XO-1.75 and XO-4
> > OS14
> > Huawei E160E modem
> > Imation 8GB memory stick
> Is this actually a Memory Stick or do you mean a USB flash drive?
> Ajay said pen-drive, and I took that to mean a USB flash drive.
> > I was unable to replicate the fault described by Ajay, the modem
> > appeared in the frame, both plugged in after boot and before boot
> > 
> > but for both laptops
> > 
> > In the first test, memory stick and modem plugged in after boot, the
> > frame never got past displaying connecting, even though I could
> > browse the net ok
> Yes, this is SL #4255.
> > In the second test, memory stick and modem plugged in before boot, I
> > got to the connected display in the frame but the upload and
> > download kB counters never updated past 0 even though I was
> > browsing, the connected time did update ok.
> Interesting, thanks.  Updated SL #4255.  I've never seen data counters
> in 13.1.0 builds.
> > I did not try without the memory stick.
> I think your tests show that Ajay's problem is likely to be unique to
> the pen-drive in use.  Thanks for that.
> -- 
> James Cameron
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