
Who at OLPC should Danang talk to re purchase of XO laptops?


> Hi Tony,
> Thanks for your reply.
> Do you have any contacts in OLPC USA that can help me with the purchase
> requirements?
> Well the second hand units seems to be in a good price, but I think it
> would be difficult to buy 100 XO laptops from Ebay..
> Best Regards,
> Kleopas Danang
> On Mon, Jan 28, 2013 at 9:33 AM, <fors...@ozonline.com.au> wrote:
> > Hi Danang
> >
> > You can buy XO laptops from OLPC in USA. They prefer to sell large
> > quantities and deal at the government level. I am not sure what their
> > minimum order is but its something in the order of 1,000 units. The cost is
> > approximately US$200 each.
> >
> > There are some second hand units on Ebay around $100.
> >
> > For the Timor Leste deployment we bought 25 units through OLPC Australia,
> > laptop.org.au, because the units were shipped via Australia they were a
> > little more expensive, A$250 each.
> >
> > Tony
> >
> > > Dear OLPC Indonesia,
> > >
> > >
> > > My name is Danang from Jakarta, Indonesia. I am a public relations
> > > consultant for an American firm based in Jakarta. I am currently handling
> > > an international airline operating to Jakarta that wish to conduct a CSR
> > > program by providing XO ($100) laptop to children in Jakarta.
> > >
> > > Through this e-mail, I am wondering whether the laptop are sold in
> > > Indonesia? otherwise maybe you can help me with some information if we
> > want
> > > to buy the laptop and bring them to Indonesia?
> > >
> > > Your prompt reply are much appreciated.
> > >
> > > Thank you and best,
> > >
> > >
> > > Kleopas Danang
> > > Dear OLPC Indonesia,<br><br><br>My name is Danang from Jakarta,
> > Indonesia. I am a public relations consultant for an American firm based in
> > Jakarta. I am currently handling an international airline operating to
> > Jakarta that wish to conduct a CSR program by providing XO ($100) laptop to
> > children in Jakarta. <br>
> > > <br>Through this e-mail, I am wondering whether the laptop are sold in
> > Indonesia? otherwise maybe you can help me with some information if we want
> > to buy the laptop and bring them to Indonesia?<br><br clear="all">Your
> > prompt reply are much appreciated.<br>
> > > <br>Thank you and best,<br><br><br>Kleopas Danang<br>
> > > _______________________________________________
> > > Olpc-indonesia mailing list
> > > olpc-indone...@lists.laptop.org
> > > http://lists.laptop.org/listinfo/olpc-indonesia
> >
> >
> -- 
> Kleopas Danang Bintoro Yakti
> _____________________________________________________
> This mail has been virus scanned by Australia On Line
> see http://www.australiaonline.net.au/mailscanning
> Hi Tony,<br><br>Thanks for your reply. <br><br>Do you have any contacts in 
> OLPC USA that can help me with the purchase requirements? <br>Well the second 
> hand units seems to be in a good price, but I think it would be difficult to 
> buy 100 XO laptops from Ebay.. <br>
> <br>Best Regards,<br><br><br>Kleopas Danang<br><br><br><div 
> class="gmail_quote">On Mon, Jan 28, 2013 at 9:33 AM,  <span dir="ltr"><<a 
> href="mailto:fors...@ozonline.com.au"; 
> target="_blank">fors...@ozonline.com.au</a>></span> wrote:<br>
> <blockquote class="gmail_quote" style="margin:0pt 0pt 0pt 
> 0.8ex;border-left:1px solid rgb(204,204,204);padding-left:1ex">Hi Danang<br>
> <br>
> You can buy XO laptops from OLPC in USA. They prefer to sell large quantities 
> and deal at the government level. I am not sure what their minimum order is 
> but its something in the order of 1,000 units. The cost is approximately 
> US$200 each.<br>
> <br>
> There are some second hand units on Ebay around $100.<br>
> <br>
> For the Timor Leste deployment we bought 25 units through OLPC Australia, <a 
> href="http://laptop.org.au"; target="_blank">laptop.org.au</a>, because the 
> units were shipped via Australia they were a little more expensive, A$250 
> each.<br>
> <br>
> Tony<br>
> <div><div class="h5"><br>
> > Dear OLPC Indonesia,<br>
> ><br>
> ><br>
> > My name is Danang from Jakarta, Indonesia. I am a public relations<br>
> > consultant for an American firm based in Jakarta. I am currently 
> > handling<br>
> > an international airline operating to Jakarta that wish to conduct a CSR<br>
> > program by providing XO ($100) laptop to children in Jakarta.<br>
> ><br>
> > Through this e-mail, I am wondering whether the laptop are sold in<br>
> > Indonesia? otherwise maybe you can help me with some information if we 
> > want<br>
> > to buy the laptop and bring them to Indonesia?<br>
> ><br>
> > Your prompt reply are much appreciated.<br>
> ><br>
> > Thank you and best,<br>
> ><br>
> ><br>
> > Kleopas Danang<br>
> </div></div>> Dear OLPC Indonesia,<br><br><br>My name is Danang from Jakarta, 
> Indonesia. I am a public relations consultant for an American firm based in 
> Jakarta. I am currently handling an international airline operating to 
> Jakarta that wish to conduct a CSR program by providing XO ($100) laptop to 
> children in Jakarta. <br><br>
> > <br>Through this e-mail, I am wondering whether the laptop are sold in 
> > Indonesia? otherwise maybe you can help me with some information if we want 
> > to buy the laptop and bring them to Indonesia?<br><br clear="all">Your 
> > prompt reply are much appreciated.<br><br>
> > <br>Thank you and best,<br><br><br>Kleopas Danang<br><br>
> > _______________________________________________<br>
> > Olpc-indonesia mailing list<br>
> > <a 
> > href="mailto:olpc-indone...@lists.laptop.org";>olpc-indone...@lists.laptop.org</a><br>
> > <a href="http://lists.laptop.org/listinfo/olpc-indonesia"; 
> > target="_blank">http://lists.laptop.org/listinfo/olpc-indonesia</a><br>
> <br>
> </blockquote></div><br><br clear="all"><br>-- <br>Kleopas Danang Bintoro Yakti

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