

At Pycon 2008, Mike Fletcher gave a tutorial on implementation of tic-tac-toe as a shared activity (www.vrplumber.com/olpc/pycon2008-handout.odt). The idea is that two children play while others watch.
At the end of the game, watchers can play (e.g. loser becomes watcher).

Nim might be better than tic-tac-toe since there is a guaranteed winner in nim.

This might be a simple enough activity to try with SharedActivity,


On 11/22/2013 03:16 PM, devel-requ...@lists.laptop.org wrote:
Message: 2
Date: Fri, 22 Nov 2013 18:01:09 +1100
From: James Cameron<qu...@laptop.org>
To: Agustin Zubiaga Sanchez<a...@sugarlabs.org>
Cc: sugar-desarrollo<sugar-desarro...@lists.sugarlabs.org>,
        devel@lists.laptop.org, Sugar-dev Devel
        <sugar-de...@lists.sugarlabs.org>,        Comunidad ceibalJAM
        <olpc-urug...@lists.laptop.org>,  "OLPC para usuarios, docentes,
        voluntarios y administradores"<olpc-...@lists.laptop.org>
Subject: Re: [Sugar-devel] Introducing SimpleActivity / Introduciendo
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii


I have reviewed simpleactivity.py and testactivity.py

This code is very legible and explains well what it does, and can
serve as an example for new activity authors.

The docstrings in simpleactivity.py are an effective explanation of
the simplified API, so perhaps you can generate the documentation from
them in the usual Python fashion.

Next to do is for a few activities to be developed using
SimpleActivity, so that you can see what remains common to the new
activities.  The common code might then be added to SimpleActivity.

testactivity.py is derived from SharedActivity, and so it is complex,
because a collaborating activity is complex.  I'd like to see also an
activity example derived from SimpleActivity.

The number of imports done by testactivity.py still seems high, and a
SimpleActivity example may be able to reduce that.

-- James Cameron http://quozl.linux.org.au/

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