Hi all:

----- Original Message -----
From: "George Hunt" <georgejh...@gmail.com>
To: "Adam Holt" <h...@unleashkids.org>
Cc: "Developers List" <devel@lists.laptop.org>, "Sandra / Sora Edwards-Thro" 
<s...@unleashkids.org>, "Tim Moody" <t...@timmoody.com>, "Curt Thompson" 
Sent: Wednesday, 18 December, 2013 12:01:35 PM
Subject: Re: latest HaitiOS-0.6 very close

On Wed, Dec 18, 2013 at 10:11 AM, Adam Holt < h...@unleashkids.org > wrote: 

Updates on my 4 suggestions from midnight 10hrs ago--forgive me for 
capitalizing names, so we can all focus on getting the very best OS into Sora's 
hands for Haiti during this home stretch Before Midnight EST Tonight: 

1) SOLVED: GEORGE, please add WikipediaFR 36 which works great, just tested it 
this morning by launching it from the Journal view of an inserted USB stick! 

Tim said in a previous email that he had done this. I verified. Will wait to 
generate tar.gz until other issues are resolved. 

2a) GEORGE, In response to Tim's earlier mail, I myself don't yet see 
Same-Named http://dev.laptop.org/pub/firmware/q2f19/bootfw.zip within 
http://xsce.activitycentral.com/downloads/HaitiOS-0.6/boot/ . It's vital that 
it be Same-Named (no 0,1,2 or 4 suffx) in the USB stick /boot to allow manual 
upgrade of firmware, no matter what legacy firmware exists on each random XO-1, 
as described here: http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Upgrading_firmware#Recipe 

given the potential for error, I re-downloaded the q2f199, and without changing 
name, copied it up to our boot directory. 

Then when I tar-ed it all up, downloaded, the tar, expanded, I discovered that 
the presence of the bootfw.zip in the boot directory prevented the 4button load 
(finding the signed OS img using fs.zip or fs0.zip) from working. 

The observation was that It didn't find the image after 4 button startup. Then 
moved /boot/bootfw.zip to /boot/ bootfw.zip.gh , and the img was loaded. 

That suggests that the firmware is not signed. Perhaps ask James if that file 
is truly signed. What if you use the firmware found in the latest 13.2.0-13 
image? Have a look at mktinycore[1], if your using the latest version from git 
the firmware is being retrieved from what is the official upgrade rsync repo. 
What if you copy TC's bootfw0.zip to bootfw.zip that should be the latest 
version retrieved if your using a current snapshot.


1. http://dev.laptop.org/~quozl/mktinycorexo/mktinycorexo

2b) GEORGE/TIM. Additionally, forced upgrade to 
http://dev.laptop.org/pub/firmware/q2f19/bootfw.zip would be truly lovely if we 
can force the copy of this file to the XO-1's /versions/boot/current/boot/ by 
hook or by crook during the 1st/2nd bootup after reflashing, if for whatever 
reason Jerry's TC tricks do not permit this as he'd hoped. 

3) GEORGE/ SORA should tell us which Activities to relegate to List View in 
addition to Portfolio, Log, Terminal. By default let's have all Activities on 
the ring/spiral available for exploration, even if the ~50 activities gets a 
bit crowded, let's give it a shot. Thanks Sora for manually Starring most all 
activities on your XO-1 business hours today (during your Dulles-MIA flight?) 
so George has marching orders by Dinnertime Latest Please. 

I'm disappointed, but not surprised, that my first attempt to star all the 
activities using the /usr/share/sugar/data/activities.default apparently did 
not work. I'll check it out later today. 

4) TIM/GEORGE. Artistic kids adore TuxPaint we need, as soon as we find a 
working rpm better than 
http://rpmfind.net/linux/rpm2html/search.php?query=tuxpaint and then layer on 
http://people.sugarlabs.org/walter/TuxPaint-6.2.xo or perhaps more likely 
http://dev.laptop.org/~dsd/activities/TuxPaint-6.2.xo ? If George/Tim/Curt can 
any traction at all from Jerry's suggestions here (I have not!) it'd be 


Also will play with this later today. I'm going to do a 2 hour bike ride during 
the warmth of the day. 


Unsung Heroes of OLPC, interviewed live @ http://unleashkids.org ! 

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