On Mon, Jul 28, 2014 at 11:08:36PM -0300, Gonzalo Odiard wrote:
> On Mon, Jul 28, 2014 at 7:36 PM, James Cameron <qu...@laptop.org> wrote:
> > Are there any patches in the SL102 branch [1] that you'd like to
> > push upstream?  I've looked at them.
> I would love to see official OLPC images with Sugr 0.102, in that
> case you can use everything you want :)

We're looking into the feasibility of Fedora 20 with Sugar 0.102 now,
so please continue to be involved.  ;-)

> The changes are mostly related with the change in Sugar from GConf
> to GSettings, added dconf as a dependency (we need add it to sugar
> rpm as Requires) and a few configs.

Yes, I've reviewed the patches, we have some of them in master branch
already, and will take the new ones as needed, but I'm wondering if
_you_ would like to push any of them before I do so?  I've added you
to the xobuild group on crank, so you can rebase on master and push on

> The sugar rpms are the Fedora 20 rpms rebuilded in F18.  I just
> needed do a single change in the sugar rpm (I am working with
> pbrobinson to push it upstream) and needed remove libwebkit2gtk from
> the Requires on sugar-toolkit-gtk3

Thanks.  The OLPC RPM dropbox is available now on dev.laptop.org.
Should we use that or use yours in personal directory?  To use the
dropbox, place them in public_rpms/{f18,f20} (noarch) or
{f18,f20}-{xo1,xo1.5,xo1.75,xo4} (i686 and armv7hl).

> > What effect did the removal of Gnome [2] have on the available
> > disk space on XO-1?  It seemed negligible when I tried it.
> I tried to build a XO-1 image with gnome,and just at start Sugar
> show a message of Journal full. Removing gnome solved the problem,
> but I found dconf was not installed, then the configuration were not
> saved. Also gstreamer-python was needed by some activities.


For 13.2.0 and 13.2.1 we had been building for XO-1 with a smaller
activity set, G1G1Lite, and your Sugarlabs/0.102 set is same on all
laptop models, so somewhat larger.

The free disk space on your build may be even less than 13.2.1; 729MB
vs 723MB for the .img file.

You might solve this with a 0.102Lite, but that increases the activity
list maintenance load unless you use Wiki templates.

> > Can you also publish the 41001SL0.zd{,.md5} files for use with
> > external SD card?  If not, you might remove [sd_card_image] from
> > your .ini file and save some time.
> Ahh, that is the use of these files :)
> Uploading.... 

Thanks, I see them uploading.

I've also begun reproducing the build locally.

For your interest, hacked [2] kspost.60.nochroot.activities.py and scp
words-21 and turtleblocks-207 from sunjammer because
download.sugarlabs.org 302 redirects to an .au mirror which is out of


1.  http://wiki.laptop.org/go/RPM_Dropbox

2.  http://dev.laptop.org/~quozl/z/1XBy9a.txt

James Cameron
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