On Sat, Sep 20, 2014 at 11:19:21AM -0400, Paul Fox wrote:
> tkk...@nurturingasia.com wrote:
>  > Tried this first thing in the morning.  Disabling kdbshim and the
>  > MakeyMakey activity does the trick on my XO 1.75!
> thanks.  would you be in a position to test a fix for this, if i sent
> you a new olpc-kbdshim binary to try?  i prepared a patch some time
> ago for kbdshim, which causes it to (mostly) ignore external devices. 
> but since i don't have makeymakey hardware, it never really got
> tested.  i think the same patch may solve your problem.
> but first, please try this:
>     - disable kbdshim, as you have done previously.
>     - run "sudo evtest".  this will show you a list of
>       system input devices.
>     - one of those devices should be your logitech device.  select
>       it by number.
>     - it will dump a list of supported events and properties, then
>       it will loop, reporting individual events as they arrive from
>       that device.  i'm only interested in the initial list of events
>       and properties, so you can use ^C to kill evtest as soon as you'd
>       like.
>     - send me the resulting output.

I'm interested in the output as well, or at least the conclusions made.

James Cameron
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