On 10/08/2014 07:46 AM, James B wrote:
Dear all,

I'm the maintainer of a small desktop Linux OS (FatdogArm) which runs on many 
ARM platforms including OLPC XO-1.75 and XO-4; together with Yioryos we 
released support for OLPC late last year.

I have recently looked at video playback acceleration and have successfully 
managed to get it going for other platforms, so I'm thinking to do so on OLPC 
as well. Before I start, though, I'd like to ask you about the status of 
marvell-ipp (http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Vmeta) as of today?

I checked the OLPC git repos and rpmdropbox and I can't get the marvel-ipp 
binaries there. I can actually find these  binaries by doing google search (and 
the binaries were clearly marked for OLPC usage) but I would rather be in the 
clear when it comes to licensing - are these licensed to OLPC so that they can 
be used in any OS that runs on the XOs, or are the license more restricted than 
that? (ie: no license at all, license per region, official OLPC OS only, etc, 
etc). If it is licensed freely, then is there an official location where I can 
get this binaries?
I don't know the licence part. But I know OLPC has a repository which has ipp binaries from Marvell built for Android. And we do have asked a permission from Marvell to let us put their binaries on a public server.

I don't know if it compatible with your software since Android has a different C library implementation. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bionic_(software)

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