I'm going to be spending my Christmas holiday on the beaches of La Paloma, Uruguay. I'll be there Dec 24th - Jan 3.

One of those days my girlfriend and I plan to go in to Montevideo and look around the city.

I'd love to get a tour of the Plan Ceibal offices and chat, lunch, or dinner, with anyone still around who's working with XO's.

I've sent mail to various people I had contact with, Miguel, and to the stock email address cei...@ceibal.edu.uy. Most of the emails bounced and the response from the ceibal@ address was that they would pass my info on to people on the project. However, I've not heard back from anybody.

Anyone here know of someone I could contact @Ceibal who's involved with the XO's they have?

Richard A. Smith  <rich...@laptop.org>

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