> IMO we should also mention:
> https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=2095429

Sure, feel free to add it to the list of references I added.

> Note that in the way you've posted this patch the authorship looks like:
> commit 746e7b69bf57631ceb2be93e8a0b9db4b4b50e5f
> Author: tim(a)siosm.fr <tim(a)siosm.fr&gt;
> Date:   Fri Feb 2 18:59:44 2024 +0000
>     qemu: Add sysusers config file for qemu & kvm user/groups
> Is this what you've wanted? Or should I update it using the spelling
> from the sign off?

It should be "Timothée Ravier <t...@siosm.fr>", not sure why this got altered 
when I tried sending here.

> The quoting changes are okay and result in identical commands, but I'm
> not that much sold on the discarding of errors (' || : ') which we
> didn't do before. Why would we want to ignore errors here?

This is taken from the output of the macro that I re-ran on the sysusers config 
file and trimmed to match what we have already.

It's generally not a good idea to fail in a scriptlet as there isn't any option 
for the user to recover at that point. It's also unlikely to fail but if it 
does, we should try setting up as much as possible and move on. The user / 
group creation failures will likely be surfaced at runtime.

> Other than that:
> Reviewed-by: Peter Krempa <pkrempa(a)redhat.com&gt;
> You don't need to re-send but I want to know the reason for dropping the
> errors first. I can update the patch before pushing.

Thanks. Feel free to edit and apply as you wish.
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