Exceptionally Hard & Soft Meeting
exploring the frontiers of open source and DIY
       Berlin, December 28-30 2012

Despite all the discussions about open hardware, it appears obvious that
many techniques and technologies remain highly proprietary. Ubiquitous
areas such as thin films (which modern touchscreens depend on),
spintronics (which enable high-capacity hard disks) and logic design
techniques (used to build microprocessors) remain carefully avoided by
most hardware hackers. The Exceptionally Hard and Soft Meeting, to be
held in Berlin on December 28-30 2012, will allow you to learn about DIY
and open source projects going in such directions and meet the people
behind them.

We are pleased to announce today that the following new speakers are
keen on presenting their amazing work at EHSM:
* Jasper Nance will present her Microsecond High Speed Photography and
Scanning Electron Microscope projects from the perspective of using
community resources, specifically those from Heatsync Labs, Arizona's
first hackerspace. This includes materials, people, expertise, and
crowdsourcing to scrounge and hack together technologically challenging
endeavours. The projects are not an end in themselves, but rather serve
as hackable platforms for both community and educational outreach to
teach skills and develop new and hackable ways of doing difficult and
expensive tasks.
For a quick glimpse at Jasper's projects, be sure to check her
impressive photo portfolio at http://www.flickr.com/photos/nebarnix/
* An anonymous woman who goes by the handle of "bionerd23" will give you
a very comprehensive, bottom-up view of man-made and natural nuclear
radiation and how you can detect it. Mind you - when we say
"comprehensive", this means things like building yourself ion chambers
for detecting radiation, and studying and operating a small-scale
homemade fusion reactor. Have a look at her excellent videos at

(See ehsm.eu for more speakers and to propose a talk or workshop)

We are an independent organization without any big sponsoring or grants,
so we rely on you, the attendee, to crowdfund this conference. So help
us make this event possible and order your ticket soon. The prices are
nevertheless very cheap for a conference of this quality, and we have an
"early bird" price running until July 15th. See
http://ehsm.eu/tickets.html and thank you for your support!

Looking forward to seeing you in Berlin,
 - the EHSM organizing comittee

Website: http://ehsm.eu
Follow EHSM on Twitter: http://twitter.com/ehsmeeting
IRC: #milkymist@Freenode

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