
There are several points before running Monobjc on an iOS device:
- Getting Mono to build and run on iOS (feasible with the right switches)
- Getting the native part of Monobjc to build and run on iOS (one caveat is
libFFI, but is seems that there is now a support for iOS devices)
- Be able to link and shrink all the assemblies so the IL code is the
smallest one (this is the hardest part)
- Wrapping everything into an executable (this looks like the embedding done
on the Mac), and link statically with Mono.

IMHO, the tooling part is the one that requires the heavy work. In addition,
the last time I took a look, a license was needed to use the static linking
of Mono.

Regards, Laurent Etiemble.

2011/7/18 Erik Touve <eto...@sbcglobal.net>

> I was wondering if it's possible to wrap the iOS SDK framework in monoobjc.
> Unity does an excellent job of mono on iOS.
> I fully support Ximian / Novell / now Xamarin efforts.  I love the .NET
> implementation.  But, I'm not willing for fork over $400 for in-house
> application development - something I'm not ever going to sell through any
> store.
> In theory I suppose monobjc could do the same thing as MonoTouch.  I'm
> certain there's a lot of work connecting all the dots... for example
> specialized mono compilation.
> Are there plans to do this eventually?  Can I do this myself?  Are there
> crazy licensing issues?
> -E

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