    Sounds like I got off the call a bit too early ;-)
Can we choose to use standard platform libraries, or are we pinning
ourselves into a corner ?  I.e., is this optional ?
What sort of problems are we getting into playing with pre-load options ? I would be VERY careful here, and do plenty of testing, especially with c++ codes, before you decide to do this. We used to use some of these tricks in LA-MPI, but backed
off because of loader ordering issues.
As you can tell, I am VERY leery of these sort of tricks for a production grade bit of code. If it is easy to decide at run-time if to use these tricks (w/o a performance
penalty), this is a different question.


Begin forwarded message:

From: Brian Barrett <>
Date: August 12, 2005 7:47:45 PM MDT
To: Open MPI Developers <>
Subject: [O-MPI devel] Memory manager changes
Reply-To: Open MPI Developers <>

Hi all -

For those not on the telecon Tuesday, we finally broke down and
decided we needed to do all the system nastiness to intercept free()
and munmap() and the like for high speed interconnects so that we can
do pinned page caching and not take the pinning performance hit on
applications like NetPIPE (and, to be fair, many user applications).
Unlike LAM, however, we're going to try to make this not be the
center of all pain and suffering ;).  While we'll support the
ptmalloc2 trick that LAM and MPICH-gm use, it will not be on by
default and we're trying to find better alternatives.  Below are your
current choices for intercepting memory releases back to the
operating system.  The default is malloc_hooks on platforms that
support it when threads aren't enabled.  Otherwise the current
default is "none".

In all cases, in addition to dealing with free() and realloc(), we
provide intercepts for munmap() to catch the user doing his own
memory management.  We may also want to intercept SysV shared memory

You can choose exactly which "memory manager" to use with the --with-
memory-manager=TYPE option to configure, where TYPE is one of
"ptmalloc2", "malloc_hooks", "darwin7", or "ldpreload".  Of course,
you can also use --without-memory-manager or --with-memory-
manager=none to completely disable the things.


   + Very fast implementation of the full malloc/free suite.
     Directly used by glibc as their memory manager.
   + Works properly in threaded environment
   + Only call unpin callbacks when giving memory back to the
     OS (ie, when sbrk() or munmap() are called)
   - Does not work properly in some situations (abacus linker
     tricks, for example) that appear to be within the
     spirit of using the MPI library
   - Does not work on many platforms (everywhere but linux, really)
   - Feels massively icky


   + Use the hooks proviced by ptmalloc2 (and therefore glibc)
     to get callbacks when free(), realloc(), etc are called
   + No "corner cases" that cause unexpected behavior like with
   - Does not support threads (disables itself if either
     progress or mpi threads are enabled)
   - Have to call unpin callbacks when memory is free()d or
     realloc()ed, not when giving back to OS
   - Very low performance impact (1-2%) on calling free() when
     there are no mpools registering callbacks


   + Thread safe
   + No "corner cases" that cause unexpected behavior like with
   + Should work on every platform that supports LD Preload and
   - Requires doing ldpreload tricks
   - On some platforms, have to call unpin callbacks when
     memory is free()d or realloc()ed, not when giving back
     to the OS
   - Did I mention, it requires doing ldpreload?
   + If LDPRELOAD doesn't succeed, opal can properly determine
     this and will just say free() interception is unavailable


   + Thread safe
   - Requires some nasty linker tricks to make work.  User
     application must be linked with mpicc or a long list
     of special flags
   + If application is not linked with the special sauce,
     opal should be able to properly determine this and just
     say free() interception is unavailable.
   - Total hack of linker tricks

LD Preload is not yet implemented, but should be by the end of the
weekend.  The initial version will most likely only support making
callbacks every time free() / realloc() is called, rather than every
time memory is given back to the OS.  Not optimal, but better than

I'm going to talk with some Darwin developers about better ways to do
things on Darwin, but probably won't have any results on that front
until sometime middle of next week.


   Brian Barrett
   Open MPI developer

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