Did everyone catch Brian's e-mail?

Because of a change I made last night to how the sm ptl builds (sorry, it was necessary -- there was a corner case that we didn't handle) and Automake not being "smart enough," you'll need to do the following after you update to the latest trunk:

    cd ompi/mca/ptl/sm
    rm .deps/*
    make -k
    cd ../../../
    <do whatever you normally do to build OMPI>

Re-running autogen.sh/configure will *not* fix this problem (although I think there were other commits last night that will require you to re-run autogen.sh/configure).

Of course, if you get a brand new checkout, this problem will not occur.

Sorry for the inconvenience.  :-(

{+} Jeff Squyres
{+} The Open MPI Project
{+} http://www.open-mpi.org/

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