
I am using autogen.subdirs files to make autogen.sh parse my subdirs. In each subdirs I have a configure.params file describing the Makefile to be build (as usual).

The problem is that instead of adding the component to the variable in the toplevel configure, it creates a separate mca_no_config_list file in the subdirectory "ompi". As a consequence, Makefile are not created.


| Aurélien Bouteiller            | PhD Student                       |
| Group Cluster & GRID (LRI)     | Grand-Large (INRIA Futur)         |
| Laboratoire de Recherche en Informatique                           |
| Bat. 490, Université de Paris-Sud, 91405 ORSAY CEDEX (FRANCE)      |
| Tel: (+33) 1 69 15 4222        | Email: aurelien.bouteil...@lri.fr |
| Fax: (+33) 1 69 15 4213        | Web: http://www.lri.fr/~bouteill  |

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