As I continue to have the same problem with the missing ltdl.h header I reported few days ago, I spend some time today to dig a little bit inside to find out what and how happens. Finally, I figure out the problem. It happens only after the last set of changes on the and only on systems where there is not a ltdl.h installed on a default location. Otherwise ... on systems where the ltdl.h is installed ... the ugliest things may happens. We can use our ltdl.h in some directories (like the opal base) and the system one in others (because a missing -I). How ? Simply because most of the base components require the opal/mca/mca_base_component_repository.h include. In this file at line 27 there is a include "ltdl.h" supposely protected by the OMPI_WANT_LIBLTDL. This define is always true as it come from the ompi_config.h so the ltdl.h is always required. Now on system where this file does not exist on some system include directories we are supposed to get the one we have ... except that the -I for our include is not added in all the base directories after the last set of changes to the

Now your turn to have fun ... and to bring back a consistent behaviour :)


"We must accept finite disappointment, but we must never lose infinite
                                  Martin Luther King

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