On Tue, 2006-11-28 at 10:00 -0700, Li-Ta Lo wrote:
> On Mon, 2006-11-27 at 17:21 -0800, Matt Leininger wrote:
> > On Mon, 2006-11-27 at 16:45 -0800, Matt Leininger wrote:
> > > Has anyone testing OMPI's alltoall at > 2000 MPI tasks?  I'm seeing each
> > > MPI task eat up > 1GB of memory (just for OMPI - not the app).  
> > 
> >   I gathered some more data using the alltoall benchmark in mpiBench.
> > mpiBench is pretty smart about how large its buffers are.  I set it to
> > use <= 100MB.
> > 
> >  num nodes        num MPI tasks   system mem      mpibench buffer mem
> >    128               1024          1   GB              65 MB
> >    160               1280          1.2 GB              82 MB
> >    192               1536          1.4 GB              98 MB
> >    224               1792          1.6 GB              57 MB
> >    256               2048          1.6-1.8 GB           < 100 MB 
> > 
> > The 256 node run was killed by the OOM for using too much memory.  For
> > all these tests the OMPI alltoall is using 1 GB or more of system
> > memory.  I know LANL is looking into optimized alltoall, but is anyone
> > looking into the scalability of the memory footprint?
> > 
> I am the one who is looking into those collective communications. Which
> mca/coll are you using for alltoall? 

   The ompi_info output had some mca/coll information in it.   I'm not
sure which mca/coll parameter you are interested in.

> Does the OOM killer kick in when
> calling other collective routines? 

  I've tested Bcast, Barrier, Allreduce, Gather, Scatter, Reduce,
Allgather, and Alltoall.  So far only the Alltoall has this problem.

  - Matt

> If it is a problem caused by SM 
> files, all collectives should be affected.
> Ollie
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