On Feb 15, 2007, at 3:07 AM, Bert Wesarg wrote:

I encounter a build problem with openmpi 1.1.4, which don't show up with
version 1.1.2.

After a simple ./configure, the variable OPAL_DATADIR in
opal/include/opal/install_dirs.h shows this:

$ grep '^#define OPAL_DATADIR' openmpi-1.1.2/opal/include/opal/ install_dirs.h
#define OPAL_DATADIR "/usr/local/share"

$ grep '^#define OPAL_DATADIR' openmpi-1.1.4/opal/include/opal/ install_dirs.h
#define OPAL_DATADIR "${prefix}/share"

this results in the problem, that the opal_wrapper can't find the wrapper
data files in /share/openmpi/.

Is this with a SVN checkout or the release tarball? The issue you are seeing is a known issue if you use Autoconf 2.60 or higher to create the build system for Open MPI 1.1.x. The release tarball is built with Autoconf 2.59 and I just checked to verify that 1.1.4 was in fact using AC 2.59 and not creating the bad datadir defines. You might want to make sure that some part of your build was not rerunning autoconf in the release source code.


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