
I don't think 'HKEY' is defined on all platforms (at least I'm getting compile errors from it on a Sun box). should the function definition:
+static int read_keys_from_registry(HKEY hKey, char *sub_key, char *current_key);
be changed some how?

-- Josh

On Feb 16, 2007, at 1:39 PM, wrote:

Author: bosilca
Date: 2007-02-16 13:39:40 EST (Fri, 16 Feb 2007)
New Revision: 13688


On Windows allow the MCA params to come from the Windows Registry. The keys are readed recursively, and their name built-up based on the definition

Modified: trunk/opal/mca/base/mca_base_param.c
====================================================================== ========
--- trunk/opal/mca/base/mca_base_param.c        (original)
+++ trunk/opal/mca/base/mca_base_param.c 2007-02-16 13:39:40 EST (Fri, 16 Feb 2007)
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@
 #include "opal/mca/base/mca_base_param.h"
 #include "opal/mca/base/mca_base_param_internal.h"
 #include "opal/constants.h"
+#include "opal/util/output.h"

  * Public variables
@@ -61,6 +61,7 @@
  * local functions
+static int read_keys_from_registry(HKEY hKey, char *sub_key, char *current_key);
 static int read_files(char *file_list);
 static int param_register(const char *type_name,
                           const char *component_name,
@@ -109,8 +110,6 @@
 OBJ_CLASS_INSTANCE(mca_base_param_info_t, opal_list_item_t,
                    info_constructor, info_destructor);

  * Set it up
@@ -118,7 +117,7 @@
     int id;
     char *files, *new_files = NULL;
     if (!initialized) {

         /* Init the value array for the param storage */
@@ -132,7 +131,7 @@

         /* Set this before we register the parameter, below */

-        initialized = true;
+        initialized = true;

         /* We may need this later */
 #if !defined(__WINDOWS__)
@@ -141,7 +140,7 @@
"%s"OPAL_PATH_SEP".openmpi"OPAL_PATH_SEP"mca- params.conf:%s"OPAL_PATH_SEP"openmpi-mca-params.conf",
                  home, OPAL_SYSCONFDIR);
-        home = getenv("USERPROFILE");
+        home = getenv("USERPROFILE");
"%s"OPAL_PATH_SEP".openmpi"OPAL_PATH_SEP"mca- params.conf;%s"OPAL_PATH_SEP"openmpi-mca-params.conf",
                  home, OPAL_SYSCONFDIR);
@@ -154,6 +153,11 @@
"Path for MCA configuration files containing default parameter values", false, false, files, &new_files);
+#if defined(__WINDOWS__)
+ read_keys_from_registry(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, "SOFTWARE\\Open MPI", NULL);
+#endif  /* defined(__WINDOWS__) */
@@ -801,7 +805,137 @@
     return OPAL_SUCCESS;

+ *
+ */
+#if defined(__WINDOWS__)
+#define MAX_KEY_LENGTH 255
+#define MAX_VALUE_NAME 16383
+static int read_keys_from_registry(HKEY hKey, char *sub_key, char *current_key)
+ TCHAR achKey[MAX_KEY_LENGTH]; /* buffer for subkey name */
+    DWORD   cbName;                        /* size of name string */
+ TCHAR achClass[MAX_PATH] = TEXT(""); /* buffer for class name */
+    DWORD   cchClassName = MAX_PATH;       /* size of class string */
+    DWORD   cSubKeys=0;                    /* number of subkeys */
+    DWORD   cbMaxSubKey;                   /* longest subkey size */
+    DWORD   cchMaxClass;                   /* longest class string */
+ DWORD cValues; /* number of values for key */
+    DWORD   cchMaxValue;                   /* longest value name */
+    DWORD   cbMaxValueData;                /* longest value data */
+ DWORD cbSecurityDescriptor; /* size of security descriptor */
+    LPDWORD lpType;
+    LPDWORD word_lpData;
+    TCHAR   str_lpData[MAX_VALUE_NAME];
+    TCHAR   *str_key_name, *tmp_key, *type;
+    DWORD   dwSize, i, retCode, type_len;
+    TCHAR achValue[MAX_VALUE_NAME];
+    DWORD cchValue = MAX_VALUE_NAME;
+    HKEY hTestKey;
+    char *sub_sub_key;
+ if( !RegOpenKeyEx( hKey, sub_key, 0, KEY_READ, &hTestKey) == ERROR_SUCCESS )
+        return OPAL_ERROR;
+    /* Get the class name and the value count. */
+ retCode = RegQueryInfoKey( hTestKey, /* key handle */ + achClass, /* buffer for class name */ + &cchClassName, /* size of class string */ + NULL, /* reserved */ + &cSubKeys, /* number of subkeys */ + &cbMaxSubKey, /* longest subkey size */ + &cchMaxClass, /* longest class string */ + &cValues, /* number of values for this key */ + &cchMaxValue, /* longest value name */ + &cbMaxValueData, /* longest value data */ + &cbSecurityDescriptor, /* security descriptor */
+                               NULL );
+    /* Enumerate the subkeys, until RegEnumKeyEx fails. */
+    if (cSubKeys) {
+        for (i = 0; i < cSubKeys; i++) {
+            cbName = MAX_KEY_LENGTH;
+ retCode = RegEnumKeyEx(hTestKey, i, achKey, &cbName, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
+            if (retCode == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
+                asprintf(&sub_sub_key, "%s\\%s", sub_key, achKey);
+                if (current_key!=NULL) {
+                    asprintf(&tmp_key, "%s", current_key);
+ asprintf(&current_key, "%s_%s", current_key, achKey);
+                } else {
+                    tmp_key = NULL;
+                    asprintf(&current_key, "%s", achKey);
+                }
+ read_keys_from_registry(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, sub_sub_key, current_key);
+                free(current_key);
+                if (tmp_key!=NULL) {
+                    asprintf(&current_key, "%s", tmp_key);
+                    free(tmp_key);
+                } else
+                    current_key = NULL;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    /* Enumerate the key values. */
+    if (cValues) {
+        for (i=0, retCode=ERROR_SUCCESS; i<cValues; i++) {
+            cchValue = MAX_VALUE_NAME;
+            achValue[0] = '\0';
+ retCode = RegEnumValue(hTestKey, i, achValue, &cchValue, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
+            if (retCode == ERROR_SUCCESS ) {
+                /* lpType - get the type of the value
+ * dwSize - get the size of the buffer to hold the value
+                 */
+ retCode = RegQueryValueEx(hTestKey, achValue, NULL, (LPDWORD)&lpType, NULL, &dwSize);
+                if (strcmp(achValue,"")) {
+                    if (current_key!=NULL)
+ asprintf(&str_key_name, "%s_%s", current_key, achValue);
+                    else
+                        asprintf(&str_key_name, "%s", achValue);
+                } else {
+                    if (current_key!=NULL)
+                        asprintf(&str_key_name, "%s", current_key);
+                    else
+                        asprintf(&str_key_name, "%s", achValue);
+                }
+                type_len = strcspn(str_key_name, "_");
+                type = (char*) malloc((type_len+1)*sizeof(char));
+                strncpy(type, str_key_name, type_len);
+                type[type_len]='\0';
+                if (lpType == (LPDWORD) REG_SZ) { /* REG_SZ = 1 */
+ retCode = RegQueryValueEx(hTestKey, achValue, NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE)&str_lpData, &dwSize);
+                    if (!retCode)
+ mca_base_param_reg_string_name( type, str_key_name, "Key read from Windows registry", false, false, str_lpData, NULL);
+                    else
+ opal_output(0, "error reading value of param_name: %s with error.\n", str_key_name, retCode);
+                }
+ if (lpType == (LPDWORD) REG_DWORD) { /* REG_DWORD = 4 */ + retCode = RegQueryValueEx(hTestKey, achValue, NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE)&word_lpData, &dwSize);
+                    if (!retCode)
+ mca_base_param_reg_int_name( type, str_key_name, "Key read from Windows registry", false, false, (int) word_lpData, NULL);
+                    else
+ opal_output(0, "error reading value of param_name: %s with error.\n", str_key_name, retCode);
+                }
+                free(type);
+                free(str_key_name);
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    RegCloseKey( hKey );
+    return OPAL_SUCCESS;
+#endif  /* defined(__WINDOWS__) */
+/ ********************************************************************** ********/

 static int param_register(const char *type_name,
                           const char *component_name,
                           const char *param_name,
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Josh Hursey

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