Just to clarify, we had some conversation off-line with Jeff about that. You are eligible to access the ompi-tests directory, since you are a member of the group at UofDresden which signed the third party contribution, and thus is a member of Open MPI. For the sake of simplicity the svn accounts do not have automatically access to the svn-tests and svn-docs repository. For an existing svn account, it is as simple as sending an email to the svn repository maintainer ( Tim Mattox?) asking for that.

In order to issue a *new* svn account, a member has to submit a new Appendix A of the third party contribution -- which is a simple document listing all persons working on ompi and thus requiring an svn account.


Jeff Squyres wrote:
We've never made our ompi-tests SVN repository public mainly because it's mainly a collection of MPI benchmarks and tests that we've collected from around the net, but we've never looked into redistribution rights. Hence, our SVN is not publicly readable.

As the SVN URL implies, the thread tests came from Sun, so I think it's up to them as to whether they want them to be public or not.

On Oct 4, 2007, at 7:22 AM, Tobias Hilbrich wrote:


I am a developer of MARMOT (MPI Checker) and currently working on support for MPI_THREAD_MULTIPLE programs. Therefore I am looking for test examples which are realy rare. I heard from Matthias Müller that you have a suit of test
programs that use MPI_THREAD_MULTIPLE. They should be located at:

Unfortunatly I and also the other people here in Dresden have no access to these examples. So it would be nice to get a login or to get these examples
in some other way.

mfg Tobias Hilbrich

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Edgar Gabriel
Assistant Professor
Parallel Software Technologies Lab      http://pstl.cs.uh.edu
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